All we do and are...

“Religion is, in reality, living. Our religion is not what we profess, or what we say, or what we proclaim; our religion is what we do, what we desire, what we seek, what we dream about, what we fantasize, what we think - all these things - twenty-four hours a day. One's religion, then, is ones life, not merely the ideal life but the life as it is actually lived.

Religion is not prayer, it is not a church, it is not theistic, it is not atheistic, it has little to do with what white people call "religion." It is our every act. If we tromp on a bug, that is our religion; if we experiment on living animals, that is our religion; if we cheat at cards, that is our religion; if we dream of being famous, that is our religion; if we gossip maliciously, that is our religion; if we are rude and aggressive, that is our religion. All that we do, and are, is our religion.” ― Jack D. Forbes

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Words of wisdom...

From my photo session with the artist Caroline Coon.... pls read her beautiful words of wisdom:

“On 5th August 2016, a white male Der Spiegle journalist aged 45 asked me this, a question fixed in status quo prejudice of independent women: “And your life now, how do you feel about it? You are not married. You have not had children. Do you feel any bitterness?”*

Since I understand journalism and the limitations of print, here is a full answer to this man’s question:

“My life has been blessed. Looking back at both the splendours and miseries I can only be profoundly thankful.

I have benefited from the political and social revolutionary struggles that have provided me with many enlightened, human, civil and legal rights.

I have been free to choose whether or not to get married.

I have been free to choose whether or not to have children.

I have been free to choose whether or not to have abortions.

I have been free to choose my sexual orientations.

I have been free to choose whether or not to have lovers.

Free speech and feminism have given me the freedom to be an artist.

For women in the West there has never been a better time, my lifetime, to live.

My life has been of my own volition.

My life has been everything I wanted it to be, and more.

My life is the antonym of bitterness!

To live my life truly and effectively I gave up the idea that I could, considering my limited talent, trying with hope to better my skills, also be financially wealthy.

To live my own life according to my own independent vision was, and is, richesse a plenty – to which I owe my happiness.

And, as far as I can, for the rest of my life, I intend to support all those who are steadfastly holding on to and improving and furthering this happy, liberationist and humanist agenda.””— Caroline Coon, artist


Caroline Coon, artist

Caroline Coon, artist

The Silent Revolution

“People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.

Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.

Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.

Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.

Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.

Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.

Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.

Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.

Help people anyway

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.

Give the world the best you have anyway.”

Kent M Keith, The Paradoxical Commandments (The Silent Revolution)

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Set up a situation that presents you with something slightly beyond your reach
— Brian Eno

“Photo sessions with me // Whether you are an artist, a musician, a dancer, an entrepreneur, or you need a photo for your 'about me' page on your website, or simply a new Linkedin photo, I would love to hear from you.

From a session with local fitness trainer Rob Solly

I create bespoke imagery full of heart that reflects your unique needs and personality // please call me to start the conversation...

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Those brief moments...

“Because it is occasionally possible, just for brief moments, to find the words that will unlock the doors of all those many mansions inside the head and express something - perhaps not much, just something {...}
Something of the inaudible music that moves us along in our bodies from moment to moment like water in a river.
Something of the spirit of the snowflake in the water of the river.
Something of the duplicity and the relativity and the merely fleeting quality of all this.
Something of the almighty importance of it and something of the utter meaninglessness.
And when words can manage something of this, and manage it in a moment, of time, and in that same moment, make out of it all the vital signature of a human being - not of an atom, or of a geometrical diagram, or of a heap of lenses - but a human being, we call it poetry.” Ted Hughes

Brief moments and human love // portrait sessions from £250

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